Johnny. As your doctor, apart from our weekly meetings, I highly recommend that you join a group. As part of your therapy, of course. It really does help.
A group? What kind of group?
Readers Anonymous.
Ohhh... I've already joined that one doc.
I am Odysseus
Son of Laertes
Known to the world for every kind of craft
My fame has reached the skies
Aku Odysseus
Putera Laertes
Terkenal kerna ku bijaksana
Masyhur hingga ke alam dewa
Pallas Athena
Daughter of Zeus
Whose shield is storm and thunder
Pallas Athena
Puteri Zeus
Yang berperisai taufan dan guruh
Aku sebenarnya gian nak baca 'Odyssey' dalam BM.
Ya, aku tau...
Aku ni gila.
tak salah "gila" membaca brader!! haha
Lagi best kalau 'Illiad' ada dalam BM.
Sing, goddess, the rage of Achilles the son of Peleus,
the destructive rage that sent countless ills on the Achaeans...
Nyanyikan, wahai dewi, kemurkaan Achilles putera Peleus,
kemurkaan yang telah membawa bencana kepada bangsa Yunani...
Amacam? OK?
peh..gila cool...haha...rempit pujangga...
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